Recently it was brought to my attention that sometimes life's storms are the best place to realize the glory of the Lord. When I am struggling I know God is working. It's not easy or fun, but it's the place where I grow and change more into the woman God wants me to be. I know that someday I will enter the gates of heaven and only remember the things the Lord was teaching me, not the pain, sorrow, or anxiety, but for now I try to remember that I MUST go through those things to get out on the other side. God is molding me and it may hurt now, but I will be praising Him through the storm.
I love that song Praise You In The Storm and how even though things are still rocky and bad, I will keep my gaze on the Lord. It's not easy, but God never said anything about following Him being easy; He said it was actually going to be tough and I was going to be hated. It's hard to accept that, but I know it's not through my own power that I have gotten to where I am. God knows EXACTLY what I am going through because He was there once too. Jesus was sent to this earth to conquer sin and that's exactly what He did. He was tempted, but he prevailed and became the sacrifice I needed to prevail as well. Nothing I can ever do will get me closer to the Lord than accepting the gift God gave me, Jesus Christ.
Sorry if this runs around in circles, but I am learning that is how God hardwired me and I need to try to live in that, not change who I am. Here's to loving the Lord in the midst of chaos. I love you Father. Thank you for keeping me close to you in all that I encounter. Help me to praise you even when I can't see an end to the storm. I love you Lord. Your child, Jackie.
Love always, Jackie. :)